Former Prosecutor, now Providing Aggressive Domestic Violence Defense
If you have been charged with a domestic violence crime, it is very important that you take the time to contact an experienced domestic violence defense lawyer as soon as possible. Failing to take full advantage of this right can have disastrous consequences as you face the full penalties that the criminal justice system can deal out.
Robert G. Whittel has handled numerous domestic violence matters with an outstanding winning success rate and represents clients throughout Florida. Mr. Whittel is recognized as one of the premier criminal defense attorneys in the state. He is committed to protecting the rights of the accused. He provides his clients with his years of expertise in criminal defense and will fight for your constitutional rights.
Call today for a free consultation! - (866) 608-5529
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Meet the Attorney
Former Prosecutor Robert Whittel was a Lt. Commander in the United States Navy and an honors graduate from the United States Merchant Marine Academy. He went into the practice of law to help others. The tough discipline, hard work and attention to detail required as a merchant marine prepared Robert well for the demands of being a successful trial lawyer. He is ready to fight to defend your rights.
Contact Us
- 1 Free Consultation
- 2 Aggressive Representation
- 3 We Will Fight for You!
Fill out the form or call us at (866) 608-5529.